Monday, March 8, 2010

Food... I love food...

So, along with this growing my own food thing, I have decided to get more into foraging.  It's not as crazy as it sounds - you just eat the delicious things that grow wild in your area!  For example, there is a crap ton of wild asparagus in my area... if I can just get someone to give up the location.  And someone has posted that they had found wild morels around here!  Last year I harvested some wild lambs quarters and sauted them with a little olive oil and garlic.  Mmmmmm!  I have transplanted a stand of chives that had escaped captivity, and am looking forward to eating more of them this year.  The best part is that I don't have to do anything but sit back and let nature grow me a garden!

Along with "nature's garden" I have started to bake again.  Obsesively.  I wish I could tell you why, but it doesn't make sense to me either...  So tonites project was snickerdoodles.  I asked my sister for her recipe, but she sucks and never did send it.  So I went online and found one at, and they turned out pretty darn good according to the one kid who was still up to try them.  I haven't eaten one yet, as my deal is baking but not eating the product.  That's what makes it even more spastic...