For anyone who's been wondering, I have a new blog. It is my crafty side. If you are interested, just look for me at and come see what crafty stuff I have in store...
Other than all of that, I got new tires for my car, only to find out that one of my rim's is cracked - must be fixed or replaced. So, I had to drive home from Dickinson on a donut, in a snowstorm at 50mph with no wipers, as they seem to be out as well. What a great day for a drive! (At least we made it ok, and before the worst of the storm.) The family seems to be doing well, but my phone is a piece of junk. It randomly makes calls, or just loses them. Sometimes it doesn't ring. Sometimes when I call my hubby I reach his mom. Or the school. Or a restaurant. Just anyone in my phonebook, really. I so can't wait for my new phone from AT&T. At least I'll have a little while to decide if I want to keep my service. Hopefully any problems will show up before I have to make my final decision...