I have been working more on paper crafts this week. I made up another thankyou card - this time for my uncle who helped me when i was in a tight spot. I need to come up with more occasions to send cards I guess, since I love making them so much! It's just a quick easy craft that satisfies my desire to create as well as the whole instant gratification thing. My cricut and gypsy bundle should be here on Wednesday, so I have spent the whole week updating my computer so that the cricutsync software will load correctly when it arrives. I am so excited about all of this!
First project with the Cricut will be a card for my daughter's friend - she moved away almost two years ago now and we miss her so much. They still talk on the phone regularly. The second project will be to help my son with his diarama for school. The cricut will be arriving just in time! I am so excited to already have a short list of projects to share with you once it arrives! (Yes, there's more - but we'll make it a suprise!) I do plan on making this blog a little more crafty in the year to come - more as a journal for myself to remind me of things I've accomplished than anything else. I think we lose sight of that sometimes.