Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I ordered my new Cricut expression and Gypsy bundle from HSN yesterday - it should be here next week on Thursday if all goes according to plan...  Which it rarely ever does.  I am going to go pick up Cody this weekend to bring him back to Beach - he is not excited and I feel very bad for him, but life can't always go the way we plan.  You have to be able to "roll with the punches" I guess.  I do look forward to seeing Cody again.  We miss him alot when he is in Miles City.  It's going to be hard next year when/ if he chooses to go back there for his senior year.  He'll be 18 then, so it's his choice, but I wish he would stay here...

I made a card for the family he was staying with.  They really helped us out in getting Cody here to start with.  So without further ado...

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